Even if there is still snow on the ground, as a property owner you should already begin considering all of the things you should be doing for the successful revival of your grass and garden before spring is fully sprung!
You might even see a few green blades of grass beginning to sprout while there's still frost on the ground.
As lawn care experts, we recommend the following:
Do These 2 Things for the First New Grass of Spring
1. Let it Grow
Allow it get to 3 or 3-1/2" inches in height before you give it the first cut.
Don't be afraid to really let your turf grow and be patient to allow it to get a little taller than you would later in the season.
Allowing this initial growth to be a little higher will make your grass stronger.
Note that taller grass can also ward off weeds.
The longer blades of grass will prevent those nasty springtime weeds from proliferating and stealing a larger share of the nutrients from the soil.
2. Feed Your Grass
Additionally, it's a good time to throw down a fresh application of lawn fertilizer.
This will help boost the growth of new grass that was likely depleted of essential nutrients over the winter.
Do this in early spring - aim for the earlier part of April for best results.
Should You Lime Your Lawn in the Spring?
Spring is a great time to test your soil, and you can apply lime in the early spring.
Checking the soil's pH level is especially a good idea if it was a winter with a heavy amount of snowfall and where salt was used to melt the ice.
When you are able to determine if your soil has the optimal pH level, you can then improve the lushness of your lawn beyond the spring, but to also be as green in the summer.
Many people never bother to check the pH level of their soil and just accept having less-than-ideal "performance" of their lawn in the spring.
Don’t think that using an extra application of fertilizer with help improve your grass when the pH is off because when the soil is too acidic, it just can’t absorb nutrients effectively.
The minimal pH level is 5.5 with most types of grass doing its best in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6 and 7.
So if your soil is within that range, you can skip doing an application of lime which amends the pH.
Once the proper pH is met, you will only need to apply lime once every few years.
How to Lime a Lawn
A few simpleliming tips should be considered before you begin.
There are several types of lime and your local garden center or lawn care specialist will be able to help with to you determine the best typefor your grass.
Consider lime which is in pellet form since it is easier to apply than powder.
Once you’ve chosen your lime product, refer to the label to determine the right amount. This will depend largely on your soil pH.
Use a spreader for applying the lime, then water it in lightly after your lawn treatment to help the soil absorb the product.
Spring Clean-Ups Prevent Pests
Cleanliness is key to early lawn pest control in the spring. Don't let them get an early start by doing a thorough spring clean-up of your lawn and garden.
Although it might be tempting to get started on the first sunny spring day, make sure you wait until the ground is not too soggy - otherwise, you may compact the soil and damage tender roots.
Make sure that your yard is free from pest attractants.
Once the ground is drier, you can gently rake away dead grass, blow the leaves, twigs and other debris.
Don't want to spend hours outside doing a Spring clean-up yourself? If your home is in Oakville, just give Greenways Landscaping a call to let your local lawn care experts take care of it for you.
Call 905-464-5789

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